The Arts and The Economy
Supporting the arts brings economic support to local communities in many ways.

Celebrate Your Employees
Employee Appreciation Day is a time to celebrate your employees and all they contribute.

Celebrating a Black Trailblazing Ballerina
Celebrating Misty Copeland and Black History Month

Flexibility & Front-Line Workers
Yes you can offer flexibility to front-line workers — about when they work.

Introducing Generation Z
Generation Z presents opportunities to their employers and managers who should take the time to listen and learn from them.

Creating a Positive Employee Experience
A positive employee experience involves so much. Here are some ideas.

Diversity Hires
Consider the role you want your “diversity hires” to play in your organization.

Be Grateful for Your Staff
Many of the ways to express gratitude to your staff and to let them know they are valued.

What role has women’s work played in supporting the economy? An integral role for a very long time.

Real People—Real Ghosts
The Triangle Fire Memorial. Remembering the victims who perished in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire over a century ago.

Skills for New Managers
What are two skills new managers need to develop. Delegating and Time Management.

Learning and Living Diversity
Dancers from the Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico perform the Corn Dance. Miss Zuni 2023-24 introducing herself in her native language, Shiwi’ma. Celebrating the Indigenous Peoples of the Southwest

Employee Development & Organizational Goals
Aligning employee development with organizational goals is a collaborative effort that often requires upskilling, reskilling and individual development plans.