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The Arabic version of The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book.
The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook
By Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem
Is it any surprise that in today’s workplaces tension can develop quickly and ruinously? Rather than running from it, The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook is the ideal resource for anyone ready to confront conflict at work. Managed correctly, conflict can be a positive source for innovation and creativity.
With examples drawn from experiences, The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook will help readers with important issues:
Understanding the cause of the conflict
Finding the right solution for the issues
Recognizing their personal conflict style
Managing expectations
Preventing disruptive behavior from getting out of control
Essential Tips
Challenge your assumptions.
Use brainstorming to drive idea generation.
Keep an open mind and remain unbiased.
Good listening habits help to manage conflict.
The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book
By Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem
No one wants to go into a tenuous situation blind and fumbling for words. Rather than shy away, The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is a great resource to approach any difficult situation with the assurance that the words will come out right!
Sometimes you just need a prompt to do so, and that’s what The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book will do. Using it, you’ll learn:
Positive things to say when you’re initiating or responding to a difficult conversation.
How to find and craft language to start a conversation.
The right words for you to positively influence the situation.
The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is a natural complement to The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. It has sold in countries around the globe and been tranlated into Arabic.
Phrases - A Preview
This is a tough situation, but we are creative people.
What do you think will happen if we don’t deal with this?
When you say things like that it makes people uncomfortable because…..
Change is sometimes uncomfortable. How can I help?
Can you say more about how you see things?
What People are Saying about The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook
“Conflict in the workplace, while often stressful, can be the sign of a vibrant, creative and engaged culture…especially when it arises from legitimately different views of how to proceed with something. The trick is how to leverage that tension to bring about the optimal solutions while retaining, and perhaps even developing inter-personal and intra-team relationships. This book is a thoughtful and useful guide to not just conflict resolution but what I call conflict optimization. I highly recommend that everyone - not just leaders - read and benefit from it”. — Al Risdorfer, CHRO, Digital Divide Data
“Connecting with your audience means you must understand their language. Drawing upon their own front-line experiences working with people, Gamlem and Mitchell have crafted a comprehensive, yet practical reference for dealing with conflict in the workplace. The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand conflict at its core.” — Gerry Crispin, SPHR, Co-Founder, CareerXroads
“The pragmatic solutions offered in The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook help minimize the human drama inherent in conflict resolution, which inevitably strengthens the team. This book is a must-read.” — Mark A. Raitor, Chief Operating Officer, Independent Community Bankers of America
What People are Saying about The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book
“Hold your tongue, count to ten, be the bigger person are all band-aids when it comes to resolving conflict. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is a comprehensive guide to handling conflict in the best way for short-term and long-term effectiveness. It starts with the inception of a problem, all the nuances leading up to the crisis and how to turn conflict in a positive experience for all. If you truly want to maximize your effectiveness as a leader, this book is essential for your library.” — Marna Hayden , Chief Game Officer, Hayden Resources, Inc.
“The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is a natural complement to The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook because it helps us to focus on one of the most important aspects of conflict management— how to affectively use language. We can sometimes get sloppy in our communication during stressful situations and this will only exacerbate the conflict. The authors provide a ready resource on how to talk differently to get different results when managing conflict. It is a must have for the manager or HR professional who knows that words matter in today’s workplace.” — Marsha Hughes-Rease, MSOD, PCC , CAPT/NC/USN/Ret., Quo Vadis Coaching and Consulting, LLC
“One of the most difficult challenges in having a conversation were conflict is present is knowing where to start. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book solves that problem beautifully. The small but mighty tome is organized around typical workplace situations where conflict can arise and describes numerous opening phrases and sentences. It also includes a useful section on what not to say, those phrases and openers that will escalate conflict and negative emotions. This book should be on the desktop and within ready reach of any business leader.” — Alice K. Waagen, PhD , President & Founder, Workforce Learning, LLC