Year-End Gratitude

If there were ever a year that we are grateful to see end, it’s 2020. Yes, it started with some bright promise that quickly faded as COVID-19 invaded and took control. Let’s not focus on the dark side, however. Despite the cloud that’s hung over us, there are some things for which to be grateful.

 Change was thrust upon us, and organizations learned that remote working can be successful. Once we do emerge from this pandemic, the workplace will change. Hybrid working arrangements – some days at home, some days in the office – are likely to be the norm in many industries, ushering in a new era for work-life balance and flexibility. And job seekers will have more geographic flexibility as the realization takes hold that workers don’t have to live in the same city where the employer’s office is located. This is just the beginning.

 For us, we’ve enjoyed personal successes on the writing front, for which we are grateful. It started in February with a surprise package from our publisher containing The Manager’s Answer Book translated into simplified Chinese, and The Big Book of HR translated into Vietnamese. And while we haven’t received it yet, foreign rights were sold for The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book, which will be translated into Arabic.

 February also brought the opportunity from our publisher for a 10-year anniversary edition of The Big Book of HR. The ink was barely dry on the contract when the pandemic hit, making us totally rethink how some of the revisions will need to be addressed. But hey, who doesn’t like a challenge and the opportunity to stay busy.

 A big thrill came in late May when we were notified that The Manager’s Answer Book was the winner in the career book category of the prestigious Next Generation Indie Book Awards, which our fabulous agent, Marilyn Allen, encouraged us to enter. Unfortunately, the awards ceremony, which we’re told is a magical night in the publishing industry, moved online like so many events. We watched it on Facebook Live while we were “together” on the phone. If nothing else, this year has been about innovation and creativity as we all coped with a new reality.

 The writing success we are most grateful for is that last Tuesday, December 1, marked the release date and journey’s end for They Did What? Unbelievable Tales from the Workplace, which was finally published after years of work. Now we can look to 2021 for some new challenges.

 Finally, and most importantly, we recognize the many people who contributed to these successes. They include our families and friends, our readers, and our support teams who helped us get this book (and our blogs and social media) edited, finished, distributed, and promoted. We are especially grateful to them.

 Even in these trying times, take a moment to acknowledge your own personal successes and express gratitude to the people who touch your lives. We wish you a healthy and happy 2021.

Barbara & Cornelia 


Just Breathe


Journey’s End