Just Breathe

As we near the end of what has been an exceedingly difficult year in so many ways, one word keeps flashing in my brain—breathe. No doubt we all know that we must breathe to stay alive. We do it unconsciously. But 2020 has given the word new meaning.

 Covid-19 impacts our lungs, and the sickest patients are placed on their stomachs to help them breathe—which seems counter intuitive but obviously works. As the months rolled on and the pandemic worsened, I was extremely grateful for the ability to take a deep breath anytime I want when so many other people can’t.

 Then there was the murder of George Floyd. We all watched in horror while he cried out that he couldn’t breathe. It was heart breaking and Americans of every race took to the streets to protest.

 The good news that resulted, however, is we are having conversations about race which is encouraging. We’re not going to let this moment pass when so many of us have been awakened to what needs to change in our country so that we truly live up to these powerful words from our Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal…”

 We just completed a highly partisan election and are moving to a new administration. Lots of people seemed to be holding their breath as returns slowly came in and a decision was finally announced. Some people are now able to take a deep breath and move forward where others aren’t ready to do so yet.

 Over the past few weeks, we’ve been able to take heart in the news of highly effective vaccines that should be available soon. This is such great news and brings us hope. Yes, this good news should help us breathe a bit better, but we still need to wash our hands, wear our masks, and stay at least six feet apart when we’re around others.

 As the end of 2020 approaches, remember those who lost a loved one this year.  Be grateful that you can breathe.  And let’s keep working toward “a more perfect union” which we know our beloved United States of America can and will be again.


Merry and Bright


Year-End Gratitude