Going Global

What a delightful surprise to open a package from our long-time publisher and find a copy of The Manager’s Answer Book translated into Complex Chinese (or traditional Chinese). This is not the first time one of our books has been translated, but it never gets old to think of our work reaching new markets around the world.

It is fun to see what a publisher in another country does with the front and back covers of books, and this one from Taiwan is fascinating. I remembered that books in traditional Chinese are printed in what we would call “front to back.”

Since I know no words in Chinese, there wasn’t much to read. However, as I thumbed through the book, I did see some American words that apparently don’t translate well into Chinese including podcasts, YouTube, and TED.

The color of the cover is a slightly darker red, and there is an interesting graphic on the Taiwanese cover that isn’t on the US version.  The Taiwanese version includes the tagline in English and Chinese— Powerful Tools to Build Trust and Teams, Maximize Your Impact and Influence, and Respond to Challenges. The tagline tells a potential reader what the book is all about.

We are especially pleased that inside the back cover they chose to mention that The Manager’s Answer Book was a winner of the Next Generation Indie Book Award, and they showed that in English as well as Chinese.

We’re excited about this translation of our award-winning book. In case you’re not familiar with the book, here’s a little more about its content, in English:

It is written in a question-and-answer format for anyone who manages. There are seven sections:

  • You’re a New Manager, Now What?

  • Developing Your Management Skills

  • Building and Managing your Team

  • Creating Your Personal Brand

  • Managing Up, Down, and Around

  • Avoiding Potential Land Mines

  • Recognizing Legal Pitfalls

It also includes a comprehensive glossary of managerial terms and a curated list of resources.

The English version of The Manager’s Answer Book is available on Amazon or from any bookseller. We hope you will pick up a copy for yourself or for your colleagues. Also, join us in celebrating our expanding reach around the globe.


Living Diversity


Selling An Opportunity