Micro Communications

An article from an accounting firm’s monthly communication to their clients touted the benefits of an employee newsletter emailed to employees monthly. There were editorial tips, suggestions for making it engaging, and ideas for content.

Wait, what? Will employees today take the time to read all the way through a newsletter, especially the younger generation of employees? Was the writer of the article in tune with today’s employees and technology? The answer to both questions: Probably not.

I agree that there is a wealth of information organizations can and should be sharing with their employees, but not in a one-stop shop as the writer said. You must consider how much information people are willing and able to absorb at one time.

As with just-in-time training, there is just-in-time communication, and a number of different technology tools can meet the goal of conveying information to your employees.

First and foremost, determine how your employees like to receive and read information. Most, and not just the younger ones, probably want to read it on a mobile device, so choose a compatible platform–and there are many.

If it’s email that you use to communicate, be sure to use a mobile-friendly platform, such as Substack, which we just migrated to. You can use it to send short, regular messages. Remember, communication, like feedback, should be frequent. Have a new policy or event to announce? Don’t wait for a monthly or other periodic publication. Get it out quickly to spark interest and keep the buzz going.

Another big consideration is communication via text. In the past, we’ve introduced you to our colleague, Dave Asheim, founder of Engage by Cell, a big supporter of just-in-time delivery. With text messages you can link to short videos, infographics, blogs, or a portal where content is held–”right-sized” content that is fun and easy to access. You can do the same with email platforms if that better suits your needs.

What are some of the communication topics you should consider? While the list is endless, here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Benefit information

  • Wellness and safety information

  • New policies or initiatives

  • Training opportunities with invitations

  • Surveys and solicitations for feedback along with survey results

  • Events with invitations and RSVPs

  • Job opening announcements

  • Organization and industry news

  • Shout-outs for individuals and teams accomplishments

Use these communication vehicles to reinforce your organization’s brand, its values and vision. This is a perfect way to emphasize your unique culture. Welcome new employees. Include or link to messages from the leadership. And don’t forget to use analytics to discover which topics interest your employees as well as the formats they prefer.

These dynamic tools that are available today save organizations time and money along with providing valuable feedback and information. Most importantly, they are great avenues for keeping your employees engaged.


Strategic Workforce Planning

