Enhance the Employee Experience—Go Mobile

Creating and maintaining a positive employee experience is critical in today’s environment where everyone is trying to figure out the new normal for working. Have you considered how technology tools, especially mobile technology, can help?

The employee experience starts with the candidate experience. A pivotal point is when an employment offer is made and accepted, but before the individual starts working. Use this time to maintain communication with the soon-to-be employee. What better way than to send text messages, including from some team members, welcoming them and generating excitement and a feeling of camaraderie.

Text messaging is also a great way to let new hires know what to expect next, especially with your onboarding process.  And if you’re not using mobile onboarding, seriously consider doing so.

You can streamline so many employee communications using mobile technology. You can send messages about the organization’s successes and accomplishments, invite employees to share ideas and conduct stay interviews.

Don’t forget to share information about individual teams and employee’s success and achievements as well. It’s a great way to recognize your employees. Also, texting a simple thank you is a great way to show appreciation.

 Communication about employee benefits, especially during annual enrollment, is essential. Use mobile to text reminders about the process—dates and deadlines—along with links to relevant information and forms that need completing.

 Other information you can easily provide with mobile technology is periodic reminders about your benefit offerings and relevant policies, such as your leave policies especially when they change. Provide links to relevant resources, such as forms needed for leave requests or required communications, virtual wellness program information, and emergency response and safety plans.

 Helping employees grow and develop is key to retaining them. Microlearning and gamification fit perfectly with mobile technology. You can create contests, scavenger hunts to keep employees engaged and support development. Gamification works well for skills development. Send messages with links to videos and demonstrations or other information.

 Even at the end of employment, you want to ensure employees have a positive experience. You can automate your out-processing just as you did with onboarding, including links to exit surveys. Stay in touch with former employees. Message links to news about the organization, job openings, and other pertinent information as a way to maintain the relationship.


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