Competing for New Talent

No matter where and how you are working these days, having the right people is extremely important.  Jim Collins in his book, Good to Great, wisely said, “Get the right people on the bus and in the right seats.”

That is one of those statements that is easy to say but not so easy to do, especially in our virtual environment.  Here are some ways you can help your organization find and hire the staff you need:

  • Start by making sure the career page on your website focuses on your organization’s mission, vision, and values. Did you know that most applicants spend time on a website before they even decide to apply for a position? They want to see how you demonstrate your commitment to diversity. They want to understand your culture. They want to know if they are a good fit for your organization.  Make it easy for them to get to know something about what makes your organization unique and not just what product or service you provide.

  • Make it easy for applicants to apply. Many applicants apply using their phones or other mobile devices. Be sure your application process is as streamlined as possible. Today’s applicants don’t have a lot of patience for multiple interviews over long periods of time. When possible, do all your interviews in a day if in person.

  • Consider holding a brainstorming session on why someone should want to come to work for your organization. You may be surprised at what great ideas can come from a session like this. Then, put the ones that make the most sense to work in your staffing process.

  • Every few months, evaluate what is working in  your hiring process. Where are most of your applicants coming from? What is your acceptance rate? What is your retention rate per source? Make any necessary changes to maximize your efforts. Ask your new hires how the hiring process worked or didn’t work for them and make any needed improvements.

  • Train anyone who interviews, and that includes your senior leadership. If your managers and leaders haven’t been trained recently on the latest interview techniques, do that now. They need to know how to avoid legal pitfalls in recruiting while making the applicant feel welcome, whether or not they are the right candidate for the job.

Maximizing the candidate experience is extremely important in the race for talent. Your managers and leaders need to develop their interviewing skills as well as their ability to make good hiring decisions. You may not know this, but applicants share their experiences when they are job hunting. You want your organization’s reputation to be that you are a great place to even be interviewed, regardless of whether you get hired.

Our most recent book, The Decisive Manager, has an entire section on “Finding and Hiring the Best Talent.” Get your copy today from Amazon or any independent bookseller.


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