3 Steps Toward a Respectful Workplace Step 3: Action

Special Thanks to EVERFI, a leader in workplace culture and compliance training, who brought you this week’s blog. To learn more about EVERFI, click here.

By Elizabeth Bille, JD, SHRM-SCP

We’ve likely all heard the phrase, “if you see something, say something.” That phrase, and others similar to it, are starting to be used in workplaces to champion bystander intervention initiatives: encouraging employees to take action when they see disrespectful, biased, or other misconduct in the workplace.

The challenge is that catchy slogans alone are not enough. After all, what are employees supposed to “see” that should trigger action, and what exactly should they “say” in that moment?

Empowering employees to speak up in the face of concerning behavior requires skillbuilding. There are actually three important steps that organizations must take to educate employees about how to be an effective bystander and to make it safe and comfortable for them to do so, which we call “The 3 As”:

  1. Awareness

  2. Attitudes

  3. Action

In previous posts, we talked about how to raise awareness of inappropriate behaviors in the workplace and how to impact employee attitudes that may keep them from stepping forward when they observe those behaviors. In this third post of our series, we’ll talk about an important final step: action.

The 3rd “A”: Action

Bystander intervention is not about having employees swoop into a problematic situation to save the day with a flourish. Rather, bystander intervention training gives employees the skills to take small actions that help create and maintain respectful work environments.

Not all employees will feel comfortable with stepping forward to confront other employees—and that’s okay. Bystander intervention includes a whole host of actions that employees can take based on their comfort level.

The key for organizations is to ensure that they have effectively equipped their workforce with a wide variety of tools they can use to take action, from interrupting disrespectful behavior in the moment, to checking in with the target of a biased remark after the fact, to formally reporting harassment, and more.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of useful actions:

Disrupt. Redirect the interaction by changing the subject, making a loud noise, asking what time it is, standing close to the target, or offering a positive comment about someone to counter a negative remark.

Delay. Offer support after the fact. Check in with an employee who was the target of a concerning remark or behavior. Ask “Are you alright?” “Can I help?”

Directly confront the situation. Consider phrases like, “I’m sorry, but what you just said is inappropriate," “I don’t like how this conversation is going,” or “That type of behavior is not consistent with our team’s values.” Even “That’s not cool,” can be effective.

Delegate. Enlist the help of others, like a colleague, manager, or someone in HR. Employees always have an opportunity to raise concerns to supervisors, managers, senior leaders, and HR professionals when they witness behavior that is inappropriate. 

Ensuring that employees know the various ways that they can serve in an active bystander role can help support a positive culture of mutual respect.

Effective Practices

Helping employees take action as active bystanders requires more than just a one-time reminder during new hire orientation or annual training. It’s important to communicate about the desired culture and the expectations of employees’ roles in helping to maintain that culture on an ongoing basis. In addition, organizational leadership can have a very positive impact as they model these desired active bystander behaviors and acknowledge when their employees do the same. Their positive interventions and affirmations—or lack thereof—will have a profound impact on employees’ willingness to serve in this role.

Harnessing the Power of the Three “A’s”

HR and organizational leaders can’t possibly be alert to all of the interactions that take place in their organizations, regardless of the organization’s size. Employees, therefore, play a critical role in helping to support and ensure a safe and positive culture. By following these three steps toward a respectful and supportive workplace—Awareness, Attitudes, and Action—and supporting them through ongoing communication, training, and affirmation, organizations can create a climate where everyone can thrive.


Creating Meaning at Work


3 Steps Toward Respectful Workplaces Step 2: Attitudes