What’s Wrong with People? — Allison Walters

This is the fifth interview in this series What’s Wrong with People?

 Q: Allison, how did you come to know Maryanne Robertson?

A: I was attending a conference and Maryanne was one of the presenters. I ended up sitting next to her at lunch.  We had such a good discussion and I asked if I could stay in touch with her.

 Q: I understand you have a mentoring relationship with her. How does that work?

A: I guess you could call her my mentor. It all sorta informal. I began calling her from time to time with questions and then we started meeting sometimes for lunch.

 Q: What kinds of questions did you have for her?

A: Questions about employee problems, mainly. Maryanne had explained when I heard her speak that Employee Relations is more than just knowing policies and laws and regulations. It’s practice and experience with employee issues.

 Q: You haven’t been in HR that many years. Tell me about your career so far.

A: I’ve worked in HR over four years now. I started out of college in a mid-sized company where I had some support. But I was recruited to a boutique consulting firm, which I saw as a growth opportunity and a challenge. I like it a lot, but sometimes it’s hard when you encounter those unusual situations. That’s when Maryanne’s expertise is so helpful.

 Q: What types of issues have you needed her advice on?

A: One was kinda personal. My sister Suzanne was being stalked and harassed and work, and I was as freaked out about it as she was.  Maryanne calmed us both down and gave Suzanne some very good advice on how to proceed.

 Q: What did you learn from the experience?

A: It was hard to be impartial in this case since it was my sister and it wasn’t my workplace, but it did help me to understand the importance of not getting personally invested in workplace relationships. If you let yourself get too close, you lose your objectivity.

 Q: How about issues in your workplace that Maryanne’s helped you with?

A: Well, speaking of personal relationships—do you believe people? Two very senior people having an affair and telling all sorts of lies—other deceptions—Maryanne let me vent to her about that one. It was a mess.

 Q: Can you share any messy details?

A: Not without breaking confidentiality. This happened at one of my clients there’s probably a story in They Did What? based on it, so you can read it there. And you can get 15% off the print and eBook with code TDW2022 if you order by December 17, 2022.

Q: Outside of work, what do you like to do?

A: My dad and I are avid cyclists. We’ve ridden most of the local bike trails together—North Branch, Lakefront, Des Plaines River Trail, North Shore Channel. Lakefront is my favorite, especially in the summer, with the skyline views of the city.

 Q: What’s next for you, Allison?

A: I was just accepted into a master’s program which will be a challenge working full time. but the program’s designed for working adults, so I know there will be lots of support and a chance t meet other professionals.

 ICYMI: Read prior interviews with Kyle Greene, Maryanne Robertson, Judy Marshall and Jason Edison.


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What’s Wrong with People? – Jason Edison